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Isolation is a two and a half minute film about the paranoia of being alone in space. It was made as a project for University in which we had to make a film during the 2020 social isolation following the theme of "vulnerability". I had always wanted to make a sci-fi thriller and so made one.


Making this film, I ran into quite a lot of issues, lack of cast and locations to name a few. I overcame this by making the film follow a single person (myself). I also chose to make a lot of the shots include darkness to avoid having to include high budget sets. The film from idea to product took 5 days to complete. The first 2 days were spent planning and scripting the story and making sure the idea was strong enough. On the second day, I also completed a few of the visual FX shots of the film to understand the feel and visual style of the film so that I could replicate this when shooting. I filmed it throughout the third day and completed a rough edit of the film. The fourth day consisted of re-shoots of certain sections as well as completing the rest of the visual FX shots. Day 5 consisted of me completing the final edit of the film and also doing the soundtrack for the film.


It was a fun challange to make something on this kind of scale whilst limited to the location of my house and a one man crew but I am pleased with the result.

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